This post was written in collaboration by Planet Kambo, who offer private and group healing Kambo ceremonies throughout London.

When I find new natural remedies and treatments, I get excited. So when Kambo was discovered, I couldn’t wait for more information. Many people don’t know much about Kambo, the Kambo cleanse or its benefits. I decided to share all of it here. Continue reading to find out all about Kambo and its miracle natural medicine. You will also find out what to expect at the Kambo ceremony as well as the effects of the Kambo treatment.

What is Kambo?

Kambo is essentially a frog medicine’. It comes from a bright-green frog that lives in the Amazonian rainforest.

Kambo refers to the poisonous, waxy secretion that the frog produces when it is stressed.

Amazon’s indigenous tribesmen capture the frogs, then remove the poison from their skins before returning them to the Jungle. This process does not cause any harm to the frogs.

Kambo can be stored up to one year after it is obtained. Once Kambo is ready for use, you need to mix it with some water or saliva and then apply directly to the skin.

Kambo is a traditional medicine in the Amazonian tribes. They’ve used it for thousands of year’s to heal, eliminate toxins, decrease pain and disperse negative energies (‘ panema).

Kambo is also known by the names’sapo, ‘campu and ‘vacino d floresta’.

In 1925, the Westerns discovered Kambo when Constantin Tastevin, a French priest, observed the Kambo ceremony. It wasn’t until 1980s that Kambo was discovered by Westerners. Constantin Tastevin, a French priest, observed the Kambo ceremony. Peter Gorman, a journalist, began to write about his experiences with Kambo. Kambo samples were analysed and identified by biochemists.

What makes Kambo such a powerful’medicine?

How does Kambo work? What makes it so effective? It is a’medicine’.

It’s all about the peptides!

There are many types of peptides. The ones found in Kambo include neuropeptides (bioactive peptides), neuropeptides (heptapeptides) and polypeptides.

Peptides are basically groups of amino acid that are linked together in a chain (amino Acides are the building blocks for protein).

Different types of peptides can have different effects on the human body.

Kambo’s peptides have different effects. Some peptides can relieve pain while others can lower blood pressure.

Kambo peptides have strong antimicrobial properties that can fight drug-resistant strains, yeast, bacteria and viruses. Some Kambo peptides are even capable of killing certain types cancer cells.

This isn’t an exhaustive list. It’s meant to demonstrate how powerful Kambo can really be and its healing potential.

Summary of the properties of the Kambo Peptides:

  • Analgesic (pain relief)
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antifungal
  • Antiviral
  • Antitumor
  • Angiostatic (blocks the formation new blood vessels that provide nutrients and oxygen to cancerous tissue)

What can Kambo do for you? – Kambo benefits

We now know Kambo is a powerful medicine due to its high level of certain peptides. But what can it do? What are its benefits? Who would it benefit?

Kambo is a traditional remedy that has been used to treat many health conditions and illnesses. This includes fever, infections, snake bites, and malaria. It has also been used to boost stamina, energy, and detox.

It’s still recommended that it be used to detox your body, and release toxins. However, it’s not just about your body. Kambo can also help with your mind/spirit.

Kambo also affects the brains through its neuropeptides. It improves cognitive function so you can be more focussed and think clearly.

Kambo can help you clear your spiritual energy and emotional blockages (‘ panema ‘). If you are spiritual, this is something you should explore.

The Kambo cleanse can also be used to boost your immune system. This is a good option if you suffer from frequent colds or other infections. Kambo can have a profound impact on your immune system. People who regularly use Kambo rarely, if ever, get sick.

Kambo can also be used as a powerful natural anti-inflammatory agent and anaesthetic for anyone suffering from chronic pain. Kambo can be used to treat back pain, IBS, IBS, and even fibromyalgia.

Kambo can also help with the following:

  • Chronic health conditions and autoimmune conditions
  • Stress and anxiety relief
  • To treat addiction
  • For lowering blood pressure
  • To combat viruses and infections
  • To heal (injuries, etc.)
  • Certain types of cancer can be treated

While some of the benefits are not scientifically supported, early animal studies have shown promising results.

Future studies will likely reveal more exciting findings, which would confirm what we know about Kambo’s peptides. You can search online for information about how Kambo has helped people to heal and improve their health.

Kambo cleanse and ceremony – What can you expect?

Here are some things to know if you choose to attend a Kambo ceremony or receive a Kambo treatment.

Preparations for the Kambo cleanse

It is a good idea to get ready for the Kambo ceremony before you go. Here are some things you should know:

  • Before taking Kambo, you should not drink alcohol or use any recreational drugs for at most 24 hours.
  • Kambo should be consumed in a fasted state. You must fast for no less than 8 hours before you start the treatment.
  • The practitioner will ask you to drink about 1 litre of water just before you apply the “medicine”. This is to ensure that you have enough liquid to flush out the toxins.

How does Kambo get applied?

Kambo can be applied topically to the skin. Kambo is applied topically to the skin by burning the skin quickly. You can do this by using an incense stick to make small holes in the skin. It won’t hurt and you won’t get any bleeding. The burns are only superficial and very mild. You can choose where the burns are to be made. It could be on your arm or leg, or even your back.

Apply a small amount of Kambo secretion to each point. The’medicine’ will begin working quickly (almost immediately) because it will travel through your lymphatic system. Kambo must enter the body via the lymphatic system. This is the only way it can.

Kambo treatment effects

Kambo will enter your body and have many effects. Although the experience may be different for each person, you can expect these:

  • Pholymadusin, one of the peptides will cause the stomach to contract, causing nausea.
  • You will feel more nausea until your body is ready for you to let go of toxins.
  • It is possible to feel sick, including sweating, shivers, and dizziness. You may also feel a burning sensation, tingling, dryness, swelling, blurred vision, and dry lips.

Although the initial cleansing effects of Kambo may feel uncomfortable, they will not last long. The discomfort should subside in 30 minutes. This is the beginning of the next phase.

You will feel tired after purging and when your heart rate has returned to normal.

During the Kambo ceremony, blankets and space for you to lie down will be provided.

Positive effects of the Kambo treatment

After the Kambo cleanse, the neuropeptides in your brains will release a feeling that can last several hours. All pain that you might have experienced prior to the treatment will disappear.

You can also enjoy a Kambo afterglow for 24 hours where you will be able to think more clearly , have better mental focus , and make quick decisions when under stress. Anxiety will be decreased.

You will achieve greater cognitive function , which will lead to greater productivity .

Regular gym attendance will make you feel stronger , and they will be able to lift more during the next session.

A Kambo cleanse also has a higher libido, which is due to the body’s detoxification and increased blood flow immediately after the experience.

As we have already mentioned, Kambo is an amazing immune system boost. Those who use it regularly report a decrease in their risk of getting sick.

Kambo treatment questions frequently asked

People have many questions before they attend the Kambo ceremony. This is completely understandable. Here are the top questions I received and their answers. Jon, a Kambo practitioner from Planet Kambo, assisted me in finding the answers.

Is kambo safe?

Anyone considering Kambo will be asking themselves these questions. Jon explains that Kambo can be used safely if done correctly. He continues:

Kambo can be poisonous if it is ingested but when applied topically to the skin, it can pass through the lymphatic system. Only the peptides enter the body through this method. They travel through the lymphatic system to reach the brain and then pass through the blood brain border. Although it may seem like one is poisoned by the powerful purgative effects, it is actually the brain that is creating the purging effect. Kambo is essentially a way for the brain and body to heal themselves. Kambo is safe as long as it isn’t contraindicated. It can be applied by qualified practitioners.

How frequently should I use Kambo

You may wonder how often Kambo should be used after you have tried it for the first time. Do you need to have Kambo again a week later? Or should it be once per month?

A Kambo treatment can be a great option. Jon from Planet Kambo suggests that you take several treatments to maximize the benefits of the medicine.

Jon was advised by his Mexican Kambo instructor to take Kambo three times per week in order to achieve the highest level of detox. This is the recommended frequency for top Kambo practitioners. However, if you’re just beginning with Kambo, it’s a good idea to have three sessions within a week (1-2 weeks), and then continue with two more. Jon, who has been practicing Kambo for 8 years, recommends this. Planet Kambo offers the option to purchase a series of Kambo treatments instead of one. This will make it more beneficial for you and also reduce your treatment costs.

To maintain your health and well-being, you can continue to use the Kambo treatment every few months, or whenever you feel the need. It all depends on your individual circumstances.

Is Kambo not recommended for certain health conditions?

Kambo should be avoided by people who have suffered from any of the following:

  • Aneurysms
  • Blood clots
  • Brain haemorrhage
  • Stroke
  • Serious heart conditions: Pacemakers, stents and weak hearts
  • Chronic kidney disease beyond stage 1
  • Person with severe epilepsy should also be taking anti-epileptic medication

The following people should not take Kambo:

  • Breastfeeding or pregnant women
  • After organ transplantation, those who are taking immunosuppressants
  • Patients undergoing radiotherapy or chemotherapy
  • People with severe mental health conditions (not including depression, PTSD, or anxiety).
  • People with cognitive disorders that are unable to comprehend the treatment or give consent properly
  • Patients who are taking medication to lower blood pressure
  • People with brain devices (eg.embolism coil or VP shunt).
  • Patients who are still recovering from major surgery

This is not a complete list. If you have any questions, talk to a Kambo practitioner.

A Kambo treatment is best done by someone who has experience.

You can take part in weekly Kambo ceremonies if you’re based in London by visiting Jon, who leads these ceremonies, received his Kambo training from Giovanni Lattanzi in Mexico. He is one of the most prominent Kambo practitioners in West. Giovanni was the pioneer of using Kambo on the Acupuncture Meridian Points. Jon has been receiving Kambo for approximately 8 years, while he has been a practitioner for just 2 years.

To give kambo a shot, I’ve partnered with Planet Kambo. Send them an email to and mention the code B HEALTHYNOW10.