Are you experiencing digestive problems or do you feel that your digestive system isn’t working as well as it should? Perhaps you feel something is wrong. You’re not the only one. Many people have digestive problems that can lead to other symptoms. There is a way to fix this problem – improve your gut health! This guide will teach you everything you need to know and do what you can to improve your gut health. Let’s first look at the reasons why this is important.

What is the importance of a healthy gut?

A healthy gut is vital for your overall health and well-being. It also helps keep your immune system strong.

Hippocrates stated that “All Disease Starts in the Gut” and he was right. The gut houses 70% of the immune system. If your gut health is poor, so is your immune system. This can make you more susceptible to various illnesses, such as the flu and colds. However, you can improve your immune system by making your gut health a priority.

There are many things that you can do to keep your gut healthy, including eating the right foods and changing your lifestyle. To improve your gut flora, or so-called microbiome, you need to increase the amount of probiotics (good bacteria) that you consume each day.

You may feel bloated, gassy, have skin problems, or even depression if your gut health is poor. An unhealthy gut can lead to depression.

Your gut microbiota contains all the nutrients and food you eat. It acts as a protective barrier to intestinal infections and also produces vitamin K which aids in blood-clotting proteins. Another reason to be healthy is your gut.

If the good and bad bacteria levels in your gut are out of balance, you’ll experience many symptoms. Over time, you might even be diagnosed with autoimmune conditions like IBS or Rheumatoid. While some of these symptoms may not seem to be related to gut health, there is no doubt that the gut microbiome plays an important role in the mediation and treatment of autoimmune disorders.

What can you do to improve your gut health?

What are the factors that affect your gut health? There are many other factors that affect your gut health.

These are some things that can cause an imbalance in your gut.

  • Antibiotics (they deplete the gut bacteria).
  • Anti-acids & anti-inflammatories (Antacids dramatically reduce healthy gut microbial flora. Anti-inflammatories also impact the bacterial composition in the gut.
  • Poor diet (When you have a poor diet, all the wrong bacteria and yeast can grow in your gut. This leads to a degraded ecosystem.
  • Stress (Negatively impacts the trillions of healthy bacteria living in your stomach)
  • Smoking (Contributes towards heartburn and peptic ulcers).
  • Alcohol consumption (Read more about how alcohol affects your gut microbiome).

Research has shown that chronic stress can adversely affect trillions of good bacteria in your stomach, which can lead to a decline in overall health (source).

Dr. Hohmann says that a healthy, varied, balanced diet high in complex carbohydrates and good for your gut bacteria is beneficial and promotes diversity.

These are the positive things that can affect your gut:

  • Good bacteria Probiotics like Acidophilus, L.casei, and L. rhamnosus
  • Fermented food: pickles, sauerkraut, miso, certain types yoghurts, kefir (all contain good bacteria).
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids (They help diversify the microbiome in the gut)
  • Eating enough fiber
  • Probiotics (if you’re having trouble getting enough good bacteria through your diet)
  • Regular physical activity encourages the growth and maintenance of good gut bacteria.
  • Managing your stress levels

First step towards better gut health is the Food Intolerance test

To improve your gut health, you should first test for food intolerances. You might be allergic to certain foods or have a problem with your digestion.

Are you ever afflicted by stomach problems after eating certain foods? You may feel gassy, bloated, or have stomach pains. You might experience symptoms the next day, and it could be that you are unable to identify the culprit foods. Food intolerance tests can be very helpful. Get tested now to find out what you can eat.

It is a good idea to eliminate foods that you don’t like from your diet. This will help your gut health, and can be a great start for better overall health.

Next step: Gut microbiome testing

Next, you might want to get your microbiome test done to determine how healthy your gut is. The microbiome test can reveal the bacteria you have missing in your gut flora. It can also help you to determine what probiotics you need to supplement or add to your diet.

How can you have your gut bacteria tested? It’s easy to order a gut microbiome test kit online (Thryve ships worldwide, even the UK), and then collect your stool sample from home and mail it. The results will be sent to you via email. That’s all! Use code behealthynow15 to get 15% off microbiome testing

Thryve has been a great tool for microbiome testing. They sent me a free test to review and they also provided me with a sample for me to use on my blog. Thryve is the first Gut Health program to include both Gut Microbiome Testing as well as Personalized Probiotics. You will also receive diet suggestions based upon your results, to help improve your gut health.

Review of Thryve Gut Bacteria Testing Kit

Thryve is based in the USA, but their microbiome test kit arrives in the UK in no time. Thryve is the result of years of research and partnership with MIT and Stanford.

Thryve’s microbiome test kit contains all necessary instructions. The collection of the sample is also very simple.

Once you have your sample, simply send it in the box and plastic bag provided. The postage costs must be paid by you, but they will reimburse you if you send them a photo of your receipt.

It is very nice to receive a confirmation email from them confirming that they have received your sample. It takes several weeks for the sample to be analysed and then you receive another email to confirm your results.

Logging into their website will show you your results and highlight the type of good bacteria that you need to supplement. This is great because you won’t have to guess which supplement you should take.

Thryve can not only make recommendations based upon your diet, but they can also create a personalized probiotic blend for your needs based on both your gut health and general health. Thryve is unique because they can create a personalised probiotic blend for you based on your current health.

You will only know what your body requires once your microbiome has been tested. It’s a guessing game otherwise. While you might think that probiotics will work for you, you could end up spending your money on something you don’t need.

Probiotics have many benefits

After you’ve addressed all lifestyle factors (smoking and drinking) and tested your microbiome, it would be a good idea to add probiotics to your daily diet. Although you may already be getting good bacteria from your diet, it could not be enough to eliminate certain symptoms.

You could start by adding more probiotic-rich food to your diet. Another option is to take probiotics capsules (a personalised probiotics blend) to supplement. It may be easier for many people to supplement, especially those with busy parents or hard-working individuals who don’t have the time to think about what they eat. ).

Your stomach will be happier if you ensure your body gets enough probiotics. How do you make your stomach happy?

Probiotics are good bacteria that help maintain a healthy digestive tract.

Here are some health benefits probiotics have for you, Dr. Axe.

  • Stronger immune system
  • Improved digestion
  • Vitamin B12 production leads to increased energy
  • Probiotics kill candida, which makes for better breath
  • Probiotics can help with eczema, psoriasis and skin health.
  • Flu and colds are less frequent
  • Leaky gut and inflammatory bowel diseases can be healed
  • Weight loss

What probiotic supplement should I buy?

Probiotic products are not all created equal. It is important to choose something that is both effective and works.

You should only buy the highest quality probiotic supplements. Otherwise, you’ll be throwing away your money. The best probiotic supplement is not always the most expensive, but it’s well worth the investment if you are concerned about your health.

There are many probiotic supplements available on the market today. It can be confusing to choose the right one. There are many probiotic supplements on the market today. Some contain a particular type of bacteria, while others have different strains.

Good bacteria found in a product

Dr. David William explains that it is not the total amount of bacteria contained in a product that matters most, but the diversity of the bacteria that it contains. He also explained that products with multiple strains are more effective than those with a high concentration of one or two strains.

These are the most important bacteria that a probiotic supplement must contain: L. B. longum, B. acidophilus and B. bifidum.

Delivery and packaging

It is important to understand how the probiotic supplements will be delivered.

Good bacteria is sensitive to heat, light, and you would expect to find live bacteria when you take your probiotic supplement.

A probiotic bottle was sent to me from America by Thyrve. I was truly amazed at how well it was protected. The bottle arrived in a large box, which was appropriate for its size. It was also wrapped in lots of protective wrapping. However, the special material that protected it had cold packs attached to it. This kept the bottle cool during the entire journey. It was still cold when it arrived at my house, so I’m sure their system works well.

I’m not sure if all companies take the same care in packaging and delivering their products. This is something you should keep in mind.

Protective coating

Probiotics, as mentioned, are sensitive bacteria. To ensure that they reach the intestines, manufacturers must make sure that the supplement is made in a specific way.

The supplement should be absorbed by the stomach without killing any good bacteria. It is best if the probiotic supplement comes with a protective coating that allows probiotics to enter the intestine intact.

Probiotic supplement customized for you

You should also consider a personalized probiotic formula. This will make it unique to you, and not the same for everyone.

Personalised probiotics differ from the rest and can be customized to suit your biology. They are more effective than other probiotics because they are customized to your unique biology. This is the probiotic you need if your goal is to get the best.

Thryve personalized probiotics are worth it. I also recommend their gut microbiome testing. Although they may not be the best, they are very good and meet all requirements for a good probiotic. You can save 15% on your purchase by using the code behealthynow15 It’s not bad, is it?


It’s not as easy as you might think if you want better gut health.

You need to first look at your life and make changes.

You must also identify if you are allergic to certain foods.

Finally, have your microbiome tested so you can see exactly where you are and which bacteria would be most beneficial to you.

Your body will likely need more probiotics. If you do decide to supplement your diet, ensure you get the best quality. Thryve personalized probiotics are worth a try. You can save 15% by using the code behealthynow15 .

Are you currently taking probiotics and are you interested in trying personalised probiotics.